Dotaland –> onGamers

Starting this month, I’ll be moving over to onGamers to work on Dota 2 coverage with them. The content I’ll be doing will be largely the same, though I may well have more resources and support, which means there might be cool new stuff coming as well in the future.

From my first step posting random stuff during TI2, to somehow being invited to TI3, to these past few weeks, it’s been a long trip. Dotaland has been a one-man project from the start to now. I’ve posted some 330 articles or so in roughly a year and a half, 348 tweets, and interacted with countless of you online and at events. I’ve had great feedback, unbelievable amounts of support, and some really great experiences along the way. To any of you that ever shared my stuff on reddit or elsewhere — thanks! I don’t like posting my own stuff because it feels like cheating somehow. Of course, my sincere thanks also goes out to those that have helped me, given me suggestions, or even just chatted with me along the way — you all know who you are, or I hope you do. If you’ve helped me in some way, just know that I truly appreciate it.

I’ll be keeping up for the foreseeable future for archiving purposes, so people can still access and read up on past happenings, events, and so on. And I may yet find a new or different use for this place down the line…

If you want to continue following what I do, follow the Dotaland Twitter, where I’ll continue posting updates and whatnot regarding Chinese Dota. You’ll find me over at onGamers under ‘AutumnWindz’, and my profile icon will be the same as the icon for Dotaland (the red and green thingy). As always, you can also PM me on reddit for probably the fastest response.

My first contribution to onGamers is this interview with 820; check it out. I look to keep moving with onGamers, and I hope to see you there!